Sunsetting Auratikum in 12 months on May 1, 2025 10 months ago

Unfortunately, we can no longer operate Auratikum economically, and with heavy hearts, we have decided to cease operations on May 1, 2025. Over the next 12 months, you can continue to use Auratikum as usual expect for annual licences. You can still purchase monthly licenses and continue to use the software without restrictions.

On May 1, 2025, we will cease operations. This means you will no longer be able to log into the application, and all your data will be permanently deleted.

We thank you for your trust in our product over the last 7 years and hope you find a smooth transition to other software.

With kind regards,
David, Björn & Richard and the entire Auratikum team

Key Questions at a Glance

I no longer wish to use Auratikum, how can I delete my account?
Log in to the application, open your profile (via the sidebar on the bottom left) and click on “Permanently delete user account”. Current licenses will of course also be automatically cancelled.

How can I cancel my license?
You can cancel your license at any time. Log in to the application, open your profile (via the sidebar on the bottom left), then go to the “Premium” tab (top right) and click on “Cancel Auratikum Premium”. Your data will still be accessible.

I need a little more time, can I stay for another two months?
Unfortunately no, Auratikum will be discontinued on May 1, 2025.

My license has expired, how can I get a new one?
You can purchase a new monthly license until April 1, 2025. Log in to the application, open your profile (via the sidebar on the bottom left), then go to the “Premium” tab (top right), select a license and follow the instructions.
Remember, the system will be shut down from May 1, 2025, and you should have backed up your data by then.

Data Backup & Transition to Other Software

Auratikum offers various data export options.

Reference Export
It is best to export your references in BibTex format to use them in other reference management programs. To do this, click on “References” in the sidebar and then on the export icon in the top right.
BibTex is supported by applications like Mendeley, Zotero, Citavi, etc. You can easily import the BibTex files there.

Alternatively, there is an MS Word export. In this, the references are exported according to your citation style setting in the profile. You can change the style in the profile. Choose from thousands of styles. You can find an overview of all citation styles here.

Project Export
Your projects can be exported as a LaTeX project or MS Word file by selecting a project. To do this, open a project, click on the “export” icon at the top and select the appropriate format. Exports are created asynchronously, once the export is complete, you will receive an email with a link for the download. If you do not receive an email, it may be that your email provider has blocked the email. If you have another email, you can specify it in your profile under “Alternative Email” and try again. The project export only includes the content that you see in the “Writing” mode (switch at the top right). If you want to export all the notes of your project, pull all notes into the outline and export the project.

Notes Export
There are two ways to export all notes. Create a project and pull all notes into the outline, then use the project export. Alternatively, use the backup download – here all data is downloaded in JSON format. It is a machine-readable format that you can use to convert the content into other formats (such as Evernote) using scripts.

Other Options

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