Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to learn Auratikum is to go through the in-app checklist to get to know the core features. If there are any questions not answered here, feel free to reach out to us.


How can I add intext-citations?

Just enter @ on your keyboard while typing and a citation flyout will pop up. Follow the instructions from there.

How can I change the citation style?

Auratikum supports over 8500 citation styles. You can configure the style in the profile view – just search for it.

Other software is using the same open source style database so you can also checkout or to find styles.


How do I get the education discount?

If you like to purchase a discounted education plan, you need to verify your institutional e-mail address. Enter your e-mail in the profile view and follow the instructions.

How much does Auratikum cost?


I have no idea what I am doing, can you help me?

Unfortunately we cannot support you on any questions you have regarding your academic career or specific topics.

To get to know the features of Auratikum, use the checklist inside the application.

How can I import data from other applications?

Check out the import screen in the app itself ( Profile -> Import ) and find instructions on how to prepare the import in several other applications.